Otto Schmidt Answers Sample Questions

Here are some sample questions for Otto Schmidt Answers that you can use as a guide.

Please remember to only ever ask questions about one tax issue within a chat. Otherwise the program may confuse you!

Simply copy the following sample questions to your clipboard (right mouse click, “Copy”) and paste them into Otto Schmidt Answers (right mouse click, “Paste”).

Sample question #1: Tax audit - Non-arm's length prices in the group


One of the findings of the tax audit is as follows: “The prices set between Group company A and Group company B for products C are not at arm's length. In individual cases, products were sold to third parties at a lower price (in some cases -20%). Reasons must therefore be provided as to why this is at arm's length.” Please first put together which argument could help here.


Sample question #2: Tax reduction for household-related services

A, a landscape gardener, has hired his own company, XY-GmbH, to do landscaping work in his private garden. Could A claim tax relief for household-related services for this work?