Answers purchase

In this article we will show you how to purchase Answers.

Step 1
visit our website and click on “Products”.Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-13 um 15.31.00

Step 2
then click on “ Answers” Answers erwerben 2

Step 3
Now click on “Use product in AI Beta Club” Answers erwerben 3

Step 4
Please click on “Become a member now”.
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Step 5
enter your data.
Registrierung 1
After you have entered your data, please click on “Register”.
Registrierung 2

Step 6
Once registration is complete, you can log in here.
Registrierung 3

Step 7
You are now on the platform, from where you can access all your subscribed products. Now click on “Buy”.KI Beta Club erwerben 2

Step 8
Enter your details here and then click on “Subscribe with obligation to pay”.KI Beta Club erwerben 4

To find out how you can open and use the product you have just subscribed to, please take a look at the following article:
How do I get to my subscribed product?