How do I contact the support?

In this article, we show you what is the best way to contact our support team to reduce waiting times.

Step 1
send us an e-mail to or visit our website at and click on “Contact” in the top right-hand corner.Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-04 um 12.38.00

Step 2
Enter your first and last name and your e-mail address here. 

For the ticket name, please select a subject that roughly describes your request for easier assignment. 

In the Message field, please list your problem in more detail. In the further course of these instructions, we will go into more detail about which information we need from you for which cases. 

In the Product field, please select the product that is the subject of your request. 

There are several options for the Customer selection category::

Category Explanation
Data protection For all matters relating to data protection.
Feedback Do you have any suggestions for improvement or are you missing features? Then please use this category. 
Questions before purchasing Are you not yet sure whether you would like to purchase our program? Then please select this category. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Questions about declarations You have a declaration or would like to create a declaration, but there are challenges in maintaining it? Then select this category.
Other If none of the other categories apply.
Technical problem Is there a technical problem, such as long loading times? Then please select this category.
Contractual issues Is your contract not in line with agreements that have been made or would you like to adjust your contract? Then please select this category. 

You can use the File upload item to attach files, these can be summaries and calculations of explanations, but also screenshots of error messages and other file types.

What does the Support need to be able to process my request promptly?

In addition to a brief description of the issue in the subject or name of the ticket, Support needs as detailed a description as possible in your message. 

Please also note that if you would like to make additions to your existing support ticket, please do so in the same e-mail. Otherwise, you will automatically generate a new support ticket with a new e-mail, which will make it more difficult to assign it to the case.


We are always happy to receive feedback so that we can continue to improve our products. 

Please tell us which features or changes you would like to see. If applicable, please refer to the current state of the software and how the changes should best look for you.

Technical problem

We make every effort to avoid technical problems. However, due to the complexity of software development and the dependence on different systems, system-side problems may occur in rare cases. Our support team is also available to help you with this. 

If you have any error messages, please always send them to us as a screenshot. This makes it easier to find possible problems and shortens your waiting time until we have found a solution. 

In addition, we need as detailed a description as possible of what you did before the error occurred and whether you can reproduce the problem with these or other steps.

Contractual matters

Would you like to change your subscription? You can also contact us at any time. We do not use customer numbers, so it is sufficient for us if you send us your last invoice number together with your request.

With your invoice number, we can quickly identify you and communicate about the details.